Career Coaching
For employees
- you don’t like your job and you would like to change
- you would like to change but you think you are not good enough for a new position/change
- you have lot of fears with regards the career change
I want to be my own boss
- but you are unsure whether you should start your business or not
but you are uncertain to quit from your secure job
you have a lot of fears about the change
For freelancers and entrepreneurs
- you need someone to share you challenges, problems
it’s difficult for you to organize and prioritize your daily tasks
you would like to set and understand your goals
About career coaching
The original concept of coaching goes back to sports coaching and then the realization of how advantageous it can be for people in all walks of life and occupations to have the support of a coach to bring them to their full potential.
Career coaching is a solution oriented methodology which helps customers to find their best solutions, new perspectives. Besides these, coaching supports the self-knowledge process as well.
How the coaching process works?
First meeting:
This session is to get to know each other.
- We will talk about your current career situation
- We will check how I can help you as a career coach
- In the whole process we will focus on the solution.
- Therefore, we will reduce the problem consciousness. You will be think differently about your current situation and your possibilities.
- In the career coaching process, I use a lot of questions.
- This will help you understand more your problem, your goal, your motivation.
- Strong focus to discover your strengths
- Our career coaching sessions will be held in a calm place.
- This also support the effective work.
- Most of the cases the first session is about to discuss these points.
Let’s work together
As per the previously agreed plan, we will start working together
What does it mean exactly?
- We will discover and focus on your strengths
- We will check your dreams and set goals
- We will discover options for your career changes
- Coaching techniques, questions, situational tasks: We will use these in order to getting closer to your goal
- We can work on your CV and Linkeind profile if it is necessary
The online career coaching session is 60 minutes, the price is 15.000 Ft.

Please fill in the contact form with your contact details. I will contact you within 1 workday in order to make the appointment.

My story – about me
I’ve worked for multinational companies for 13 years. In the last 4-5 years I felt that this is not my way. I suffered from the unnecessary tasks and the long decision making processes, the never ending projects.
I was sure that I will not stay in this situation as I am too young not to make changes in this area of my life.
I have started to look for opportunities, discover those areas which fit my personality. To find that job/ work I would really like to do.
Then the self-knowledge and the coaching came into the picture. During the life and career coaching course I have learnt several useful techniques and methods, which also helped me in my career path.
For a while I have worked parallel as a Project Expert for a multinational company and in private as a coach. Then the time came and I made one of my hardest decisions ever and I quit my main job.
I have left my secure job and started to work as a freelancer career coach.
We spend almost half of our life with work. This is too much time to spend with something which we hate or don’t like. Of course, every area and job has their less interesting part but in general I think we should be enthusiastic about what we do.
I believe that everyone can find their own way if she/he willing to take actions.
My mission with career coaching is to support people who are in the same career change process and help them to start their way.